Make passive sentences in the past simple

Make passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simple
Make passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simple
Make passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simpleMake passive sentences in the past simple