I walked with my friends

I walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friends
I walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friends
I walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friendsI walked with my friends